The Longview Library currently houses over 13,000 items for both students and teachers. The library is comprised of fiction, nonfiction, biography, book sets, and a teacher resource area. Along with teaching classes, the Longview Library is open to student checkout throughout the school day.
About the Library
Checkout Policies
Kindergartners will check out one book.
First graders will check out one book.
Second through Fifth graders will check out one book.
What happens in the library?
A typical library class entails a whole group library lesson/story, independent or group activity, and book selection time. Students will experience a variety of technology and literature while in the library.
When will my child checkout books?
There are two different ways that students can check out library books: during library class and open checkout.
Library Class: Along with a whole group lesson/story, students will be given 10-15 minutes of book checkout time.
Open Checkout: With classroom teacher's permission, students may checkout library books during morning open checkout time.
Book Fair Information
The Scholastic Book Fair is coming to Longview from Monday, September 30th - Friday, October 4th!
Students will shop during their Library related arts day and time that week. You could also come shop with your child Tuesday, October 1st or Thursday, October 3rd from 4-7 PM for our Family Book Fair Nights in the library.
We highly encourage you to set up the eWallet account, which is like a gift card. This way students will not have to bring cash with them. You can go to the book fair webpage to set up the account.